There's a bit of ranting on KGL's page, while Laz has some short blurbs up.
HaremPresident got wind of the game auction I mentioned a couple of days back and sent me a link to the Penny Arcade's response.
I also saw a link at ArsTechnica about AOL technica. Those who read ArsTechnica regularly will be interested in this. (Heck, check it out anyway if you don't.)
There's a short update on Laz's site, and there's a glasses rant on NVM. I can sympathize with the girl, although it seems as if her eyesight is even worse than mine! (It you can believe that.)
Just read in the newspaper that guys listen with half of their brains while women listen with both halves. That's pretty interesting.
Oh yeah, for all of you Leafs fans out there (I know that there's at least one), what do you think about this Lindros thing? I'd hate to be in Pat Quinn's shoes right now..
You'd think, that after going up 5-0 in the third period, you can cruise to an easy win. But no, not the Leafs.. Ahh!! I can't believe it! Each time I changed the channel, the Blues scored another goal! It was madness!
Okay, I'm going to vent my frustration on some railroads..