From the ShackNews's ER comes a link to a story about a school having a little problem with hugs. Well, 40-60 a day is a little excessive, but being penalized for it? I sure wouldn't mind getting hugged 40-60 times by.. uh.. *checks article* 13yo? Okay, maybe a little young. Hey, they're only hugs.
Oh hey, I just checked out the DooM demo (at Gamespot). For in-game graphics, it's quite impressive. Insanely impressive actually. If they can pull that off in a game (as well as have a good story, gameplay, etc.) I'd be higly impressed. (id has always impressed graphically and speedwise, but gameplay..)
Friday, February 23, 2001 at 16:10:15 (UTC)
Detention for hugs? What kind of a warped society do we live in? What's next? Detentions for eye contact and social conversation?