Oh man, I just heard the funniest stories on why I should get my own business phone. Anyway, I found out about a super hacking job that happened yesterday at ArsTechnica. There's an FBI thing here.
Okay, as I was mentioning earlier, there was a huge hack attack last night. ArsTechnica has a nice article up about the whole (sordid) affair. I wouldn't mind hearing some input from MJO since this is right up his alley..
This has been a pretty uneventul day. For me at least. I came home and basically fired up a game I haven't played in a long time: Railroad Tychoon II. It's a great game. I stopped only because I thought that the mission (the second last one of the game) was impossible. I found out (tonight) that it wasn't. After finishing off the nigh-impossible mission, I started on the final (impossible) mission and decided to call it a night. Must.. finish.. game..
I could've gone out for Latin dancing, and I would've, had I been feeling better. This really sucks. Even after a few days, I haven't gotten much better since I got this sore throat. Very, very annoying! *coughs*
We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Oh, Laz suffered a bit of widthdrawal last night, while NVM is happy she's not porking out. Is it just me, or has her vocabulary expanded somewhat? It's like she has a thesaurus to *looks up word* aggrandize her *looks up word* lexicon.
<- feeling a little verbal envy.
Anyhoo, I'm going to check news and then hit the sack. Seems like the markets took a beating today from what I could tell from the (Chinese) news. Buy! Buy! Buy! *stashes money in shoebox*
What a way to go. I found this on the ShackNews. I also found a story about paper phones as well.