Heh, a nice little call from Dangerman made JW sweat for a bit.
Anyhoo, I'll be busy tomorrow, and most likely on Sunday, so updates will not be forthcoming. I really want to write all this stuff down before I forget though. Ooh, and there are script changes I want to complete, and then there's.. ah well.
Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 22:12:47 (UTC)
hey mista QYV....i just happened to randomly stumble upon your website....
its very good....i must admit...furthermore....just to comment on the CN TOWER police...i knew it was [Dangerman]'s voice the very second he talked to me...so i was not scared FOR A SECOND.....haahahahah
JW <e-mail>
Monday, October 28, 2002 at 03:27:57 (UTC)
Ooh, that sounds like a denial! Do we have a rebuttal?