I finally got my taxes done and signed up for the TUC. I still haven't finished that last entry nor written those captions yet. I'm not quite in the mood. I also have to sign up for the CN Tower climb and the Ride for Heart as well. Hmm.. I'm going to need sponsors..
*yawn* Is it Monday already? Man, I know I keep saying this, but I'll say it again: The weekends are too short. At least it's warm now, although it's wet, wet, wet. This is definitely spring weather.
*looks at clock* You know, I had planned on getting food at around two, so I kept an eye on the clock to make sure I didn't eat lunch too late. While I was sitting around doing work, EC asked me if I was tall enough to do something. She pointed up at the clock and asked me to correct the time. *looks at clock* 12:50 *looks at computer's clock* 1:50
What the?!? I've been fooled! Anyhoo, I did adjust the time on the clock, but had to finish all of my chores before going out for lunch. Just as I was doing my rounds, asking what people wanted, I was handed an envelope.
"This is your T4 adjustment. Have you done your taxes yet?"
I looked at her and said,
"I did them yesterday."
*hangs head*
What the..? I didn't know that Brisk made lemonade as well. *takes a sip* Well, it's not as synthetic as their iced tea, but I haven't really had any real lemonade in a while so I don't have anything to compare with.