I got a picture from BMH from yesterday's ultimate game. I'll make a copy for myself when I get home.
It seems as if there are places in TO that rent bikes. Very handy. It's also closeish to the site, but unfortunately, they're not open early on Sundays. So I'll have to go on Saturday and pick it up then (before tutoring and the test). Yay.
Ugh, I've finally finished the first set of puzzles BSB sent me from way back when. Holy crap did it take me a long time to do! Some actually were easy once you look at it a certain way, or tried a certain method but I won't go into that. At least I know I can do them without using brute force. There were tricks involved, and as long as you know what the tricks are, you're set! The difficulty is not whether they're doable or not, the difficulty comes from doing these puzzles within a certain time limit..
I forgot to mention yesterday that I spotted another (red) GT-S when I was parking the car for the ultimate game. It was sitting at the corner of the lot and the driver was talking with a few other guys. After I had parked, the car drove off and the guys he was talking to were staring at my car..
Anyway, I also saw on TV some guy who videotaped a deer and a bunny rabbit being very chummy. (This was over the course of several weeks.) Aww, ain't that cute?
Right, I think I need more violence in my life.
I saw this on the ShackNews.