I was planning to eat cereal for breakfast this morning, but relized that we didn't have any milk. Actually, we did have half a bag of milk for the kids, but I usually don't touch that milk. I was going to eat bagels instead but my mom told me to use it anyway, so I shrugged and drank most of the milk (I eat big bowls of cereal). After I had finished eating she told me that there wasn't enough milk left and that I should go and by some before I went to work. What the..? Why did you tell me to use the milk then?!?
So I got to work late. Well, later than usual.
I actually remember this morning's dream. Well, more than I usually can grasp.
Anyway, the first dream was a mishmash of events that led to me walking into some strange office type building which is much like one of those malls downtown. The difference was that the entrance was a door a few stories up and you had to scale a glass wall to get there. I don't know why I went in, or why I was trying to get through the throng of people, but I tried to get out behind this old lady. Unfortunately, she was having trouble reaching for the handhold, so she went back inside. I tried to go out myself but I had nothing to grab on to. The hand hold was too far out, and it was a long way down. I decided to take the escalator instead.
Later, I found myself in a classroom of some sort. I was in the second (of three) rows next to this girl. She was looking at me and trying to touch my leg. So I kept moving my leg and giving her the "don't touch me look".
Then there was a phone call which woke me up. I think it rang seven times before I picked up the receiver. I quickly went back to sleep afterward.
This led to another dream, where I was in some sort of house. I found myself wandering into one of the bedrooms attached to the main foyer. Then a bunch of people wandered into the foyer. One was this little girl who ran into the bedroom and jumped onto me.
I found to interesting links on ArsTechnica. The first is about the impending arrival of e-paper and the other is about Google's plan to split out the blog hits into a separate search. There go my hits..
I went by the ShackNews and came across a number of articles. The first is about a judge that said it was okay for a 40yo to do a 13yo. Celebrating over your neighbor's death is not a good idea. Also, does anyone have a passport? (I saw the article on ArsTechnica as well.)