It's supposed to rain this afternoon so I decided to drive to work today. Apparently there was a warning issued last night that we'd get hail and funnel clouds this afternoon, but that was changed to foggy patches. (Big difference huh?)
Oh, I heard on the radio this morning another one of those morning trivia questions:
What are university graduates four times more likely to do than college graduates?
I would never have guess that in a million years..
Whoa. I just got a message inviting me to join in some performance classes for hip hop. I don't know about you, but I know that I don't have the skill or the time to participate in this kind of endeavor. But if you folks out there are interested..
Oh great. It seems like there's a cold going around in my office. Well, maybe just my room, in particular, the other two people in my room. *pops a vitamin C pill*
Umm.. I don't know where the clouds went, but it sure looks nice out there right now..
<- might regret not biking today.
Oh boy. They're actually going to do it. CTRL-A is hosting a singing contest at the next show and there's actually a moderately large list of people who are going to participate! Good lord!
Hey, I got a postcard today from Sesame Place. LIB. I also got my driver's licence renewal form. Man, it's that time already? Geez, five years goes by really quick, but I still remember biking to the D&V office oh so many years ago.. (which explains my awful hair in my driver's licence photo.)
Oh yeah, I also finished "The Wealthy Barber". Quite a few good tips in there, so I might get my financials back in order.. *looks over assets* Although I always have that nagging feeling that I can time my investments better than dollar cost averaging..
I came home early from work because I wasn't feeling all too hot. After a bit of rest, I feel much better now, but I don't want to push it. With that darned cold going around, I don't want to take any changes. *pops another vitamin C pill*
Anyway, before I go, I found a couple of interesting links from the ShackNews. The first is about some unfortunate men who happened to attack a karate champion. The other is game related. Or should I say ping related?
Finally, I noticed that NVM should be increasing her medication, while Laz has a neato idea of allowing people to add links to his page. Hmm.. maybe I should do that too.. *thinks of security issues*
Actually, now that I've set up a parsing routine, I should be able to allow people to throw up links without compromising the site. Eh, I should probably finish the forum first. Nah, I'd rather sleep. Besides, there are better things to do than work on my page. Right?
Friday, May 25, 2001 at 08:44:23 (UTC)
Friday, May 25, 2001 at 14:02:53 (UTC)
It's something a bit more academic.