I knew I opened a can of worms when I started thinking about letting people add links. There's now a new page in the Links section (very beta). *sigh* Time to go to bed.
Hmm, it's supposed to be wet (again) today, and considering the forecaster's track record, they have to get the weather right at least once this week right? There's a game of roller hockey planned for tonight. Depending on how wet the lot is, it may be canceled. That may be a good thing since I seem to be going to bed later, and later these days..
Oh yeah, I think I'll get my hair cut tonight as well. *pats mop*
*twitch* Dang, my left bicep is twitching. I think I mentioned this before a year ago. This is really odd, I haven't noticed it in a while. Maybe my left arm is trying to get some sort of a workout since I've neglected it so much?
Maybe I should eat a bananna.
Hmm, I won't have access to the car tonight, so I don't think I'll be getting a haircut until tomorrow. Then there's the issue with roller hockey. With the inconsistent rains today (although it's been consistently wet), I'm not sure if it will be able to play. =(
Dang, I don't know what came over me, but I had a sudden urge to work on my scripts. I've made quite a number of changes, although I'm not sure if they're all good. Well, as long as I don't break anything..
I was going through some of our old photo albums to scan in some pictures of kids. Uh, it's a long story, so I'll cut it short. I came across a lot of photos from past events which I had totally forgotten about. It was interesting reliving it all just by scanning through these photos. (Sometimes having a shutterbug in the family isn't a bad thing!)
Ahh.. *remenisces*
Oops. I just checked out those pictures I scanned in. I had forgotten that the monitor I was looking at (which was attached to the computer which was attached to the scanner) had a resolution of only 640 by 480. This meant that when I looked at the respectibly sized scans on my normal computer, they looked puny (and dark)! Argh!
Well, it's getting late. I don't think roller hockey's on, so I'm going to sleep on it. (Besides, I have to wake up tomorrow to get my hair cut remember?)
But before I go, I noticed that Laz is having problems with his subdomains (which reminds me, I want to start working on those as well!), KGL's having fun with dragon boat, and NVM needs to cut down on her medication.