I think I've got the outgoing SMTP server accepting my messages, so I should be able to set up my server to get it to send e-mail! Yay!
Now all I have to do is to collect all my e-mail addresses and forward them to one location..
I got a call this morning from Dangerman asking me if I wanted to go go karting today. I figured that since I hadn't gone in a while that I should get some laps in.
I went to Dangerman's place and then had lunch with him and girl. Afterward, Dangerman and I hooked up with MG at the go kart track and ran some twenty laps. I think I got gypped because I started last and they pulled me off first!
I didn't fare all that well, but it was fun zooming around the track again. Unfortunately, the fumes from the indoor track seeped into my clothes and now I smell like gas fumes! Eww!
I opted out of dinner because I had a hockey game today and they wanted to go downtown. I need to save money anyway since I want to pick up a bike right?
It's getting to that time of the year where people are thinking of putting their bikes away. This is also a good time to pick up a new one! So I asked Windelynn for help with finding one, and she gave me a couple of possible deals for an SV650S: one and two.
I decided to look for more after she told me that there were other good deals out there, so I found a few R6s (here, here, and here) and a couple of Bandits (here and here).
I didn't play all that well in hockey, but I didn't play that poorly. I had a shootout attempt and ended up hitting the post! Argh!