I had two parties and one hockey game planned for tonight, but they all got trumped by my patrol shift. It started off slow, but as the temperature dropped, the incidents started rolling in, and it was crazy busy near the end of the night.
After going home to drop off my equipment and pick up the gift, I drove downtown and was shocked to see so many people in the vicinity of the apartment where we were holding the party. There were a lot of night clubs around that area, and I happened to drop by the time when the clubs were opening up, which meant that finding parking was a pain! After going around in circles for half-an-hour, I decided to drive further out to find a free parking spot. I figured I might as well park for free since I spent all this time to find a parking spot period (I wasn't paying $12-$15 for a spot).
It didn't take me long to find a spot on the street, and I walked down to the apartment where I met up with Pops. Apparently I had missed Werdna, who had left earlier, but I really didn't care too much since my stomach was doing the talking at that point. I was given food and I gorged myself for a little while while everyone else was playing Liar's Dice.
The party turned out fairly well, although it ended not long after I had finished eating. When I walked back out to the car, I noticed something flapping on the windshield. Crap. I took a look at the ticket, and saw that the fine was twenty dollars. Great, I'll have to remember that for next time..
Monday, January 12, 2004 at 17:30:16 (UTC)
Ahhh! Sorry about the ticket. That sucks. I hope nobody else got a ticket.
Again, it was cool that you could make it to the party, and thanks for the "artifact".
Wednesday, January 14, 2004 at 20:53:54 (UTC)
hey yeah, something like that happened to me once.. but instead of getting a ticket, my car got towed!