Okay, it's late, and I should be in bed soon, but yes, she did call when she got into downtown Toronto yesterday. Unfortunately, I was also downtown when she called, which meant that I never got her message until I came back home this morning! Argh! To think that I could actually have gone to watch both CTRL-A shows..
*shakes head*
That's okay, I figure that I'll hear all about what happened at the show from either FlyingS or Jax. In any case, I'm going to drown my sorrows by playing a couple missions of Homeworld:Cataclysm..
Now I'm awake, but I'm not sure what I should do. Should I go downtown and get lost? Should I just stay up here and continue Cataclysm? (Freaky game BTW.) I dunno.
I've finished Homeworld: Cataclysm. It took me a whole three days, which is a little longer than the original game. General thoughts? I thought the game was a pretty good length, and the story was told quite well. It could've been longer for those of you itching for more bang for your buck, But I was pretty happy with it. Besides, just watching the spread of the.. well, I shouldn't spoil it. The graphics were exactly the same as the original, and the controls were nearly identical. There was some added features like pathlines, streaking stars during movement, and ship symbols in the game engine that made identification a lot easier. It was actually somewhat distracting at first, but i got used to it pretty quickly.
The new ships introduced were quite.. impressive. Those advanced acolytes are just.. nasty! Compared to the original ships in the game (which are all still in the game), these new ship classes are somewhat better, but as always, greater numbers win the day. One example would be the worker class support vessel, which is a corvette class ship which combines the support, harvest and salvage ship types into a single vessel. Very handy considering that you can now stow these fellas in your carrier (and away from harm). The mimic is a nice fighter. It takes recon to the next level, although in the game, when the instructions ask for a mimic, they actually mean the mimic corvette. (Keep that in mind if you want to play the game.)
One of the major changes that they made in the game is that instead of having a ship cap, they have support units that you need in order to support your fleet. This limits the number of ships you can have, but allows you to tailor the composition of the fleet to whatever situation arrises. Capturing ships is still possible, but not as lucrative as in the original. In general, the captured ships are inferior to whatever you can build (except in the beginning when you can't build anything - I got myself a battle cruiser when I could only build corvettes, very handy). Oh, they also improved on the capital ships' ability on tracking fast moving targets. Super capital ships won't be taken down by a swarm of fighters anymore because they all now have fast tracking turreted beam weapons and homing flak cannons. A squad of fighters will now get completely shredded by a heavy cruiser.
Resource management is basically the same. I had no problem with resources at the hard level, finishing off with over 200000 resource units in the end (which is enough to rebuild my fleet three times over). There are also these crystals that they added which can give you either 5000 or 10000 resource units per pop, so finding resources is not hard (which is probably why they introduced the support units).
All in all, it was more or less the same as the original game. If you enjoyed the original (which I did), then you'll definitely enjoy this sequel.
Monday, September 18, 2000 at 17:58:10 (UTC)
FlyingS saw about as much of the show as you did. He was off getting a cable modem installed (didn't work), helping with the Royal Medieval Faire and, just when he thought he'd get a chance to settle down and watch some anime, he got a last minute (and welcome) invite to one of the last films at the Toronto International Film Festival. Except for the cable modem thing, he's not complaining.
Tuesday, September 19, 2000 at 01:07:43 (UTC)
Jax, on the other hand, caught the show from the last episode of Yawara! to the first episode of LoGH. 'Twas good. You missed out (as already noted over at the dd), and all because you didn't finalize your plans earlier (*wags finger at QYV*).
Tuesday, September 19, 2000 at 03:36:35 (UTC)
*hangs head*
I had thought she was going to call earlier!
<- has BITB.