Now that my internet access is a little spotty, these updates will be a little more sporadic. How unfortunate. Anyway, the BBQ last night was pretty good, although I barely put a dent in the extra food that they had (so much meat!). afterward, we went to Mr. Leg's place to watch "Any given Sunday". It was.. okay, considering it was a movie about football and I was no football fanatic.
That's about it. I'm going to see if I can call people up today..
So it seems as it's the end of Labour day. Not much to show for it. Apparently my mom went on her first ever biking excursion (in front of the house). Too bad I was inside figuring out how to make more space in my room. We also went to a BBQ afterward, and met some relatives we hadn't seen in years. Man, kids grow up so quick when they're young. Now I'm feeling old. I think I'm going to go and sleep.
Oh yeah, Jax has an update up..
I'm slowly changing the format of my page. Very slowly.. *eyes cable modem* (I've started with the BattleTech section) I'm making it a little easier to navigate around, even though people don't usually check out any of the other pages. In any case, it may seem odd to have the navigational bar on the right hand side of the page, but seeing as I'm following (more-or-less) my journal format, it seemed normal to have the navigational links on the small side of the page. *shrug* Oh well. In any case, I've got quite a bit of e-mail building up in my inbox.. Hmm, I should go answer then soon..
Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 00:11:59 (UTC)
Sporadic? I thought you had a cable modem... Or am I confused?
(probably the latter.)
mister man mike
Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 02:01:36 (UTC)
I won't have access to the cable modem all the time, nor will I have access to the net like I did at school. (Being in front of the computer all day and all with much better access.. Yes, yes, I'm spoiled!)
Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 17:45:05 (UTC)
Sporadic? Ah, too bad. But a better question would be: Sparoddic?
Me, I won't have Internet access at home for a couple weeks. *sniff*
Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 23:47:59 (UTC)
*looks at entry*
<- misses the on line webster.
(read: too lazy to get up to check the dictionary on the bookshelf.)
So how do you like your new digs FlyingS?