Not too much to report.
I went to the hospital and stayed there for a while, taking pictures and such. We even happened to have an extra "thank you" card which we turned into a "thank you for not dying" card. We also got a worm as a present (it looked more like part of a colon, but hey).
Afterward, we were supposed to go out with a bunch of girl's friends, but that fell through, although we didn't know that until after it fell through. Instead, I ended up showing some "Kare Kano" to girl. I think she was moderately impressed.
I just wonder if I've hooked her or not.. *makes fishing sounds*
Monday, November 13, 2000 at 03:23:28 (UTC)
Kare Kano, yah! (*chomps on bait*)
Monday, November 13, 2000 at 03:25:09 (UTC)
Wow, your comment script works a lot faster now... blazing fast in comparison to before, I might even say...
Monday, November 13, 2000 at 16:29:59 (UTC)
Uh huh, thank you, thank you very much.
Actually, it started working faster a few days ago for no apparent reason.
On a totally unrelated topic, you went skating without me?!?