Hmm, I've been invited out to go rock climbing/bouldering on Sunday. *rubs chin*
Argh, bugs are annoying. The software kind that is.
So I've got a lot on my plate for the week. There's all that car stuff, and then there's the patrol stuff, fund raising stuff, money saving stuff, and money making stuff. Man, I'm hungry now.
Wow, I haven't phoned around this much in a long time. It's kind of annoying to find out that half of the numbers are long distance! Argh! Anyway, badminton was pretty good, I didn't kill myself at least, so that's always a good thing. I finished off last night's dinner (which was good) and then did the phoning. Geez, too bad half of the people weren't home.
Let's see. I would've gotten pledges for the WWF climb had I brought my pledge sheet along, but I guess I'll have to wait until next week. I will need insurance soon though..
Hey, I just registered for the Ride for Heart. Now all I need to do is raise sixty dollars so I can bike seventy-five kilometers. Waitaminute.. I already raised over sixty! Whee! Let's see if I can raise enough to get that first aid kit..
It seems like there was some sort of error with the registration system and I might've been billed twice. Argh! I'm going to have to follow up on this at some later date. *sigh*