Ouch, I forgot how little time I've got avaiable over the next few days. There's the Patrol party in Uxbridge tonight, and then I leave for Vermont tomorrow. I'll have to squeeze in getting by auto insurance and car registration in to in the next couple of days. Ugh.
Wow, you can get a lot done during business hours when you're not barraged with calls. (Actually, when I walked in the office, the phone was ringing. Right after I hung up, I got another call. I have to call them back.)
I was able to call up AY and found out that the first quote I got was actually pretty good. So I'll probably go with them.
I was also able to set up an orthodontist's appointment (which I've been sitting on for a year). Now all I have to do is to finalize the insurance and get new glasses..
I went out to the Green Bamboo with LY and some of his friends for lunch. The food was pretty good.
Ha, I got this link from girl.