Erk. My tongue still hasn't healed. Eating is still a darned chore, and drinking doesn't soothe the pain. Why does it take so long for my mouth to heal? I think a new mouth is in order. Maybe one that's a little smaller. *notices the audience nodding in approval* Hmm, on second thought..
Oh hey, during dinner, the Chinese news was on the TV and I usually don't pay attention to it, except that today, I heard a very familiar voice coming out of the speakers. OMG! It's PB! I was pretty shocked, I didn't expect him to be on the news. Well, I guess considering the stuff he's doing..
Friday, February 23, 2001 at 03:46:19 (UTC)
i guess "tongue" would have been a good spelling bee question. however, i think tounge is a neat variation. tounge singer?
Friday, February 23, 2001 at 14:51:25 (UTC)
Oops.. I really should add that spell checking feature..