I finally took a closer look at the logs and found out that there was some sort of CAPA error occuring when I was trying to pull up my e-mail.
fetchmail: POP3> CAPA
The previous search for the SSL error produced nothing, but this search brought me to a thread which described a similar problem. The fix was pretty simple, and now things are much better! No more superfluous warning messages! Woot!
Hey, girl found a seminar description with a surprising ending. Well, for me at least, I'm pretty sure most of you folks would not care.
I am supposed to be taking part in a tour of one of the facilities, so I need to get into work by quarter after eight. Now since I an not usually awake by then I might have to prod myself pretty hard to get my sorry butt out of bed tomorrow.
Oh dear, it has taken me over an hour to update the time stamps for last year's comments. This was also one of the smaller files. I have to files five and six times the size of this guy here. Good grief. I don't think that there is a faster way for me to do this since I generally have more than one entry per day, which makes it very difficult for me to pinpoint which entry to attach the comment to. Ah well, once I am done with this, I can look into making the journal entry based. (Yet still allow for back posting.)
Well, I went out to dinner with my family because it was my grandmother's birthday today. For seven people, the bill came out under seventy bucks which was a pretty good deal considering how much food we got.
I also got rid of my monster. Let us see if there is anything else I can get rid of..
I need to wake up early. I should go to sleep soon.