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[12:59 PM EST - Another spam comment.]

Grr.. I got hit by another spammer. I should look into altering the comment form to prevent spam comments..


[1:46 PM EST - Faces of Death.]

I don't know what brought this up, but I suddenly remembered watching Faces of Death way back in high school.


[7:52 PM EST - Invalid SSL protocol.]

I seem to be having a problem with my fetchmail. Each time I try to get mail from my sympatico account, I get the following warning:

Invalid SSL protocol '' specified, using default (SSLv23).

Now, I do not get the same warning when I pull mail from Gmail. In addition, this only started happening when I upgraded my fetchmail software to version 6.3.6-1. I tried specifying the SSL protocol with no luck, an invalid protocol will give two of those messages.

I guess I'll have to live with it for now. But at a message every ten minutes, I'll have to keep an eye on my inbox..


[8:07 PM EST - Windows Live™ Mail.]

Hmm, it seems as if Microsoft is trying to get people to upgrade from Hotmail to their new Windows Live™ Mail. It is in beta stage right now, but I'm checking it out anyway (since it is still free).


Monday, March 30, 2015 @ 21:41:35 EDT

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Aaron McGruder (From The Quotations Page.)