Grr.. I got hit by another spammer. I should look into altering the comment form to prevent spam comments..
I don't know what brought this up, but I suddenly remembered watching Faces of Death way back in high school.
I seem to be having a problem with my fetchmail. Each time I try to get mail from my sympatico account, I get the following warning:
Invalid SSL protocol '' specified, using default (SSLv23).
Now, I do not get the same warning when I pull mail from Gmail. In addition, this only started happening when I upgraded my fetchmail software to version 6.3.6-1. I tried specifying the SSL protocol with no luck, an invalid protocol will give two of those messages.
I guess I'll have to live with it for now. But at a message every ten minutes, I'll have to keep an eye on my inbox..
Hmm, it seems as if Microsoft is trying to get people to upgrade from Hotmail to their new Windows Live™ Mail. It is in beta stage right now, but I'm checking it out anyway (since it is still free).