I got up this morning wondering what time it was. I looked at the clock and it read: 11:12. Eleven-twelve?!? Argh! I looked outside and it was cloudy and rainy. Great!
<- rolls back into bed.
So I haven't done anything today yet. Wow, time goes by so quickly when you aren't doing anything..
I found this article on ArsTechnica.
Argh, I mistakenly ran the host twice because I was trying to run something else. Anyway, I messed up the VGAP game I was hosting and now I have to clean it up. I had some safties in place but I forgot about them and overwrote them in my haste. I think I should go to bed.
Oh yeah, I didn't do much today, but I did go to KW with Laz, Werdna and Tenshi and met up with Dangerman at Growly's place for some training. I think I popped a vessel in my foot and I've got a number of tiny little bruises as well. Hopefully it won't stop me from running around this week..