Well, this is early. I'll probably be coming in earlier for the next little while because I've got to drop someone off in the mornings now. This is weird, being in early and stuff. I got a good parking spot, and there's not all too many people here. I guess that gives me more time to update and respond to e-mail!
<- didn't get any e-mail.
Okay, maybe it'll give me more time to update.
<- not much more to say.
Maybe I'll just.. twiddle my thumbs.
Wednesday, March 14, 2001 at 05:51:50 (UTC)
What is it that you do again that 9:19am is late? (Do you know what people in the Army have done by 9:19am?)
I'm sure I could look it up but that would require, y'know, effort.
SAucy Nuggets <e-mail>