Hey, I did not know that you still had to pay for a DSL modem rental from Bell even if you are not renting?
This, on top of the 95% increase on their modem rental fees?
Okay, time to shop around. MIBAgentQ mentioned Acanac, which they're using at their new house.
I wanted to go to Kitchener-Waterloo, but found out that everybody down there was working during the day, and realized that I really did not have much to do until after people came home from work, so I decided to spend some quality lunch time with MJNL.
I think the last time we had a work lunch together was over a year ago. In any case, we had sushi for lunch, and managed to get back just in time. (Yay for motorcycles!)
I got back home to get ready for the ride to KW, as I wanted to swing through Guelph to get a new sprocket for my bike (to replace the other one that was a little too large).
The ride to Guelph was fairly uneventful, but I realized too late that my sunglasses were ill equipped to handle the glare of the sun. The sun was not directly in my eyes, but there was enough glare that I started to get a little nauseous when I got to Guelph. I was glad to get off the bike and away from the sun for a little while, it let me rest up for the rest of the trip into KW.
I noticed a number of motorcycles on the road in Guelph, but when I got into KW, I noticed even more bikes! I do not recall seeing so many motorcycles in town when I was here for school, but as I mentioned before, I never really paid attention to motorcycles on the road before I picked one up.
I did talk to FlyingS later and he mentioned that he thinks that most of the riders are Rim employees. Plausible theory.
So I swung by the University of Waterloo to see if anyone at my old lab were still around. Well, anyone that I knew that is. Both professors were out, and I did not recognize anyone in the rooms that I peeked into, so I decided to high tail it out of there.
I did see that there were a few more buildings under construction on (and around) campus. It seems like every time I drop by another parking lot or green space disappears.
I swung by HNT's place but he was not home, then by FlyingS's place, but he was not back from work yet. So I picked up some gas. I had tried to look up some people but forgot that I had some of these folks on Facebook! In the end, I was able to contact HNT, FlyingS, HaremPresident, and Cat. Next time I will utilize Facebook more.. (and maybe even Twitter).
I went over to FlyingS's place and stayed there for a bit before I got a call from Cat telling me that she was home. So I went over to check out her new place (and new cats).
After an hour or so, HaremPresident was out from work, so I went to have dinner with HaremPresident and FlyingS at McGinnis Front Row restaurant. HNT was unable to join us though, so it was just the three of us.
We had a good chat before I slept over at FlyingS's place. He showed me his Dr. Who action (and inaction) figures. I really have not kept up with the new series though. Just not enough time.
Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 21:55:31 (UTC)
My little brother uses Acanac.
Good points: Cheap (1 year contract), free SSL tunnelling to bypass Bell traffic shaping (perfect for PirateBayers).
Bad points: Lots of lag - running traceroute results in a large number of hops. For whatever reason, their internet hookup is somewhat fragmented. Apparently they upgraded earlier this year but it's probably not a good ISP for online gamers.
Grinning Reaper
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 12:50:53 (UTC)
Well, I think my online gaming days are long gone now (like a decade long gone). That is not a bad thing.
I think I will give Acanac a try, but I am still debating whether to go for a dry line or not.