I was having some trouble with the fan on the video card: It is too loud! One thing that really annoyed me was the fact that the fan did not turn off when the computer was set to sleep mode. I did a little digging and found out that the ATITool program was exactly what I needed to help me with my fan issues.
I took a look at the program and it seems as I had used it before when I was having artifact issues with the video card before.
In any case, it is much quieter now!
I spent most of the day either sleeping or talking on the phone, so I was barely able to get the dishes cleaned up. I still have a bit of cleaning to do with the rest of the apartment and I have a broomball game very soon.
At least I was able to quiet down the video card fan.
I took a puck to my left calf last night during the hockey game. I was moving away from the puck handler and took a pass into the leg. I walked it off, but it was a little hard to skate for a bit. I did not notice it during broomball tonight (which we lost 4-1), but it started acting up again after I got home.
Ah well, I was just happy to record another goal, and say that I contributed!
So I may not have mentioned this earlier, but I got responses back from Canada Post and Amazon.ca. Canada Post opened up a request but required notification from the sender, while Amazon.ca sent a replacement DVD which should be arriving on the 4th, just in a nick of time!
I guess all I can do is wait.. again?