I just spent the past few hours spell checking some old entries. I have gone through one year of entries, and now I have five more years to check!
I'm very tempted to give up this quest, but it is doable, and I'm going to do it!
I was planning on shopping, but my bike was trapped, so I convinced myself not to go out. I'll ride to curling though.
Monday, November 20, 2006 at 04:23:18 (UTC)
Where are you curling? Which league, position etc... We're curling at the Royals (Queen and Broadview). I play lead on a mixed team on Tuesday and skip on a mixed team on Fridays, Dion is my vice.
Monday, November 20, 2006 at 14:35:26 (UTC)
Ah, we're curling at East York Curling Club with the TCSSC. We're in the co-rec league and are near the bottom of the standings (Team N00b). I don't actually have a fixed position, but I usually go third or fourth. (Because I can't draw.)