I actually got out of the house at a semi-respectable time. Unfortunately, traffic was horrible, so I was late. Apparently there was an accident that had just been cleared away so the congestion was only starting to clear up by the time I got there.
Badminton was okay. I didn't get a chance to stretch, so I didn't play all that well. I'm also a little sore and tired. (But that might be because of lack of sleep..)
Argh! I can't get that tune out of my head now!
I was looking up some stuff and came across a page which had this near the bottom:
"Guys are like mascara: They usually run at the first sign of emotion."
Which is about as good as,
"Guys are like handguns: Keep one around long enough and you're going to want to shoot it."
Boy is she bitter or what?
I got a link from AC an Asian Heritage Month. Apparently there are a lot of events in the area.
Derelict pointed me to a website for some flash animation called Ninjai. I haven't seen it yet, but it looks interesting. While we were on the topic, I finally found the a website which has the Xiao Xiao flash movies.
I ended up pumping my tires again as the handling felt a little funny on the way to (and from) work. When I reached the gas station, there were huge lineups for gas. I thought that this was a sign that prices were going up soon, and I would've gassed up except for the fact that I forgot about it the moment I got home. (It was raining, and I wanted to drop off my stuff, and I wanted to gas up the other car, etc.) I probably should've gassed up the GT-S anyway.
I got home and flipped on the TV while I was making/eating dinner. There was nothing on except for that "Friends" review special, so I watched, and I laughed. I laughed a lot. I haven't watchd the show in many, many years, but it was indeed a funny show. Ah well, it's all over now.
girl and Dangerman came by with some sushi, and I never got around to going out to the bar. I got caught up with some stuff and with gas prices this high..