Hey, I forgot to mention yesterday about some go-karts that we saw on the street while we were stopped at a 7-11. They went pretty darned fast, and pulled into an empty transit lot where they zoomed around. They were still there when we left.
I got a bunch of forwards from Madelaine just now. I found one in particular that was interesting, and it also showed up on Snopes.
My parents had given be a number of those cold packs that you throw into coolers to keep the contents cooler for longer. I had loaded the packs into a cardboard box to transport home, but when I picked it up (it was on the counter for a week), I had trouble removing it from the counter.
I checked the counter to see why the box stuck, and noticed a gooey film on the surface. Then I noticed it on the bottom of the box and realized that one of the packets had leaked! Argh!
Fortunately that stuff isn't toxic. I think.
When we were visiting that friend of CC and SS, we were taking a look at her tattoo. On first glance, I thought that it was the bust of a naked woman, but then realized that it looked more like a marine animal. It took a while before she told us that it was supposed to be a dolphin. Why did I think that a girl would put the image of a naked woman on her body? Strange..
Derelict passed along a weather blooper from BBspot.
Whoa, I was hearing a lot of honking outside the office. I guess the game's over?
Badminton had been moved to Tuesdays for the summer time. This meant that I had to switch my weekly parental run to Tuesdays, but it also meant that I had less time to sit around at home since the session started earlier that before. Apparently there was more badminton at six, but I had to eat at some point in time and having food before seemed like a better idea to me.
I was still late though, but I played fairly well. I didn't overexert myself and I didn't play overly poorly.
I bumped into TN and made her feel guilty by making driving and crunching noises. I've been able to utilize my motorcycle a lot these past few weeks so I haven't put a lot of stress on the car.