I have been spending part of the weekend working on my web page. At first I just wanted to start using BBCode for my comments, which lead to me wanting to put together a guide on how to use it. I did that by stealing one of the many guides on the Internet and tailoring it to my web page. But when I tried to validate it, I found out that the website was being hammered.
So to speed up development, I downloaded a Firefox plugin to validate HTML (which is working wonderfully BTW). The validator not only validates my XHTML, but it also checks the accessibility of the web page, so I made some minor modifications to improve accessibility, as well as corrections to some pages which did not validate due to typos (silly me). In addition, I wanted to get rid of all the warnings I was getting during validation so I added cleaned up some of the tags by adding spaces where there was nothing, and getting rid of some empty tags.
While I was revalidating each page on the site, I discovered that I was missing one of my 'Mech designs, and had to reinstall The Drawing Board so that I could generate the XML file for the 'Mech listing. By this time the web validation was back on line but my BBCode guide was still not finished so I decided to get a second opinion and validated the page with the W3C validator only to get a warning that my XHTML should be served as a Mime type of application/xhtml+xml. This was easy to fix because there is a PHP fix and all of my pages are dynamically generated. Unfortunately, this also seemed to break the style of the page so I had to change the style to match what it looked like as text/html but even then the background colour did not stretch to the bottom of the browser. But more importantly, by changing the Mime type, I ended up breaking the document.write call that I use in javascript for some of the extra functionality on the site. Ironically enough, after I made the Mime type change, the validation still gave me the same Mime type warning.
I still have not finished fixing up that guide.