I think I might be getting sick. My throat is just a bit sore, and my ears feel a little funny. I thought I was hearing things last night when some tones seemed to resonate and give a strange tinging noise. I thought that was because of my speakers, but this morning when I awoke to the same strange noises, I realized that the problem was me rather than my equipment.
After our morning meeting, I was told to take a look at something we just got. So I looked in the computer box and was surprised to see a little bird! MB had found it on the steps of the building this morning and it was just sitting there. It was apparently comatose but when I saw it, it seemed alert. I accidentally knocked the box and that sent the bird flying all over. After a few attempts, it was able to escape the box and started trying to escape. Unfortunately, there was no place for it to go so it got stuck between the bookshelf and wall, it ran into the window, and then it couldn't get out the door. It was pretty easy to catch though, the bird didn't seem to have any endurance.
We'll keep it in the box until this afternoon. Hopefully it'll be in better shape then.
When we got back from lunch, I heard that the bird was getting quite flighty, so we went to check on it, only to find out that it had escaped from the box! It took a few minutes of searching to find the little animal perched in between a hanging extension cord and network cable under a desk.
It was easy enough to catch, and we brought it outside. While I was holding it, both it's eyes were closed, and it looked like it was sleeping. When we finally placed it on the tree, it's eyes stayed closed and the bird didn't seem to want to move. Oh well, I guess we'll check up on it after work.
Whoops, I had originally thought that the party was in the morning. (Which I did find kind of odd since it was so early.) Now I found out that it is in the evening. Well, that will change things..