The question is whether or not it will rain when I leave badminton? Heck, it's going to be a thunder storm, so should I risk it?
My confirmation number is 1003096.
I broke another elastic this morning. I guess I was opening my mouth too often?
Hey, nobody ever told me that there was going to be mass flooding today. Maybe riding was not the best idea.
Oi, I still have to reply to that wedding invite, but my inbox has just recently been stuffed by Madelaine so it will take me a while to clear out.
It sure looks nice out there right now. Makes you kind of wonder where that storm is coming from?
Most guys, and I do mean just most, know the etiquette of using the urinals in the public washrooms. We have three on the floor in our office building, and because of etiquette, the two end urinals are always much more heavily used than the middle one.
Using the middle urinal is thus very tempting especially late at night when there are very few people around. I was caught using the middle urinal once, which surprised me since it was way past six.
In any case, I walked into the washroom and saw some guy using the middle urinal. I went up to one of the urinals next to him (they were both next to him) and started doing my business. The guy finishes up and then proceeds into one of the stalls and continues his business.
What the hey?!? Why waste resources when doing everything all at once is just find and dandy for the vast majority of the people out there? Maybe I'm wrong. Do more people out there do number one separately from number two? Are they so distinctly different that they require separate operations to complete?
I sure hope he washes his hands.