So Laz, Growly, Tenshi, and Dangerman came over to play some X-box, but that's about it. I ran another speed test and got a dl/ul of 744/77 at this time. Pretty crazy for a very late weekend night.
I got up this morning and looked at the clock. It read 8:11. Since practice was at ten, I still had an hour or so of sleep I could use before I headed out. I decided to go back to bed. The next time I woke up and looked at the clock, it read 10:39. I quickly hopped out of bed.
I got down to the field just as practice was officially wrapping up. (Nearly noon.) I felt kind of stupid for sleeping in, but I didn't expect to doze off for two and a half hours!
They still went over time and I joined in the scrimmage. I could see and catch the disc a lot better for some reason today. I guess all of that tossing yesterday helped a lot to get me back into the groove. Then again, it might just have been the fact that everybody was tired and I was fresh.
Afterward, a bunch of us (LY, Pokey, K, DWC, BMH, and KW) went out for breakfast. Well, brunch really. I had expected to go straight to GL's BBQ right after brunch, but LY had to go back to drop K off. I hitched a ride with them back uptown, and after a bit of reorganizing, decided that we'd skip dropping me off at my car and go straight to GL's place after we picked up some food.
Things went without a hitch. We made it to GL's place and TT and SM and their respective better halves were already present. We fired up the BBQ, had a lot of food to eat, and then went to set off some fireworks. (Well, I did mention that it was illegal, but nobody ever listens to me anyway.)
I came back home after LY dropped me off at my car. That's about it.