Hmm, since I got two calls for rentees, I figured that I might as well mention it here. One is a condo near the Scarborough Town Centre, with two bedrooms/one bathroom/two parking spaces/approx 730 sq ft./partially furnished if needed. Asking $1200 a month.
The other is sharing a house in the west end. I've been to the house, and it's in a nice neighborhood, but you'll also be sharing it was a (generally friendly) cat.
Wow, I actually got up early this morning. Mind you, I went to bed early last night because of a combination of getting up early on Saturday and wanting to get up early today.
I ended up arriving at practice on time, which meant that I was able to participate in the drills and stretch a bit. I ended up doing well in the practice, which leads me to believe that I play a lot better when I show up early to my sporting events. I've kept track of all of my games (more or less) and I've done a lot better in badminton, hockey, broomball, and ultimate whenever I show up early and play around a bit. I'm not very good cold.
Anyway, Derelict and LR both showed up to the practice and they both did fairly well.
We went for breakfast/brunch/lunch afterward and I was surprised that we found enough space for everyone (all thirteen of us) and that our food arrived in good time as well!
Pokey drove us back home/to our cars, and I went back home to finish up on some work.
I ended up going out to dinner with girl, Dangerman, Laz, and Tenshi and.. that's about it.
I found the solution that I wrote down for the Giant Pyramid Puzzle that I got many years ago and decided to make a digital copy before I lost it again. I found more puzzles at this site while looking for a solution on the internet.