I had planned on going out to the hill today to work on the dummy, but I ended up getting a message from JW telling me about the birthday dinner for his dad.
Dinner? *looks at schedule*
Oh crap! How come I didn't hear of this?
Anyway, I would've had time to go out to the hill but I really didn't have the energy to leave my place after I got up and ended up staying home. (I guess I was lucky since I missed out on that serious incident.)
So I ended up playing some Call of Duty 2 until dinnertime. JW had told me of the location where the dinner was being held, but didn't tell me which restaurant they were having it at! So it took me a while to look into each restaurant before I found the one with all my relatives in it. I was surprised to see MW there. I didn't know that he was in town, and I heard from him that KW was in town the previous weekend! Ah well, I guess I missed out on that too.
Since the dinner went so late, I wasn't able to make it to the other birthday party, but I did end up going to hockey very early. I played alright until the end when I got really tired. I think the two week break hurt my cardio. I'll have to work at it again..