Yay, I'm now going to be down twenty bucks. It seems like this weekend's going to be packed. So long as I make sure to remember to clean the place on Friday, I should be clear to skip out of town for a bit.
Hmm, I should also probably organize that part of the weekend sometime.. soon.
GWG passed along a link with one of the largest Windows error messages ever.
I had planned on getting my passport photo taken after work, but the condominium elections were tonight as well so I didn't want to miss out on that. So I skipped out on the photo.
Well, I got to the meeting in time for the registration only to wait forty minutes before the actual meeting started. Argh! I should've gotten that photo after all..
Anyhoo, the meeting was fairly straightforward. The only thing that really surprised me was when I walked into the room. There was this Chinese guy sitting at the front row wearing a black coat (just like mine). And you know what? He looked just like me!
Well, me with glasses that is.
I had to avoid all contact after that. I didn't want some sort of space time paradox to happen that would destroy the fabric of reality if I got close. Interestingly enough, he went to UW and ran for one of the director's positions. (I decided not to due to other commitments.)
Mind you, I don't look at myself all that much so my correlation could be incorrect, but still..
One more thing I noticed was a distinct lack of young people at the meeting. I'm guessing about five percent of the attendees were around my age. Mind you, there were quite a number of proxy votes, but we've got a fairly elderly community here, which isn't actually that bad now that I think about it, and there are very few renters, which is also good. (With the cost of rent, I doubt anyone could afford it.)
Anyway, I feel sorry for any me clones floating around in the world. I wouldn't want to give them a bad name..