I finally finished off with my taxes tonight. It took a bit longer than anticipated since I had to double check some of my stuff.
Anyhoo, I'm anticipating a rather large medical refund next year so I should be able to pay off some of my other expenses a little quicker next year..
I got a message from Madelaine about some sort of rat pee on a can issue so I looked it up.
I got a whole ton of forwards from Madelaine (she was clearing out her inbox recently) and I found a link for one on Newfoundland Facts, another on Seminars for Men (which was the first when I was looking for the winter classes for men).
What the heck? I was looking up the DVD set for the second season of Battlestar Galactica and found out that it was coming out in the next month or so. However, I also found out that this set only contains ten episodes - half of the season! (It costs as much as a full season of 24.) Apparently the second half of the season will be released as season 2.5.
Curse those cash grabbers! *shakes fist* (Mind you, the first set only had thirteen episodes..)
I went to badminton after work and then came home. That's about it.