I had some grapes and cherries sitting in my fridge for a week. Unfortunately, I never got around to eating them when I first got them so when I checked them out this morning, I noticed that one grape had a small tuft of white hair.
I was hungry and didn't have anything else to eat so I started picking through the grapes and cherries, looking for ones that had not gone bad yet. I hope I don't get sick.
Of course, the amount of time I spent examining each fruit would have been about the same amount of time that I would have spent making something else, like oatmeal, but I really did want to get rid of these without having to throw them out. It's wasteful you know?
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 at 18:21:02 (UTC)
Why are so many of your entries about eating food that has passed its best-before date?
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 at 18:47:02 (UTC)
Because I was raised to not let any food go to waste. My mom thought I was "too thin" and kept trying to feed me. Once puberty hit, I just couldn't stop eating..
And look at me now!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 at 19:45:53 (UTC)
oh karen, you read my mind!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 at 20:32:20 (UTC)
Apparently, he's not alone.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 at 21:11:31 (UTC)
Hmm, so my occasional completion of other people's meals would be considered freeganistic?