I've thrown up a little applet to play with. It won't be up for long methinks. Anyhoo, I got a new hockey stick and white jersey last night from National Sports. Got them cheap too! I don't know how long the stick will last though. It's heavy, so hopefully it'll be durable.
It works, it works! I finally got the phone thing to work now. Ahh, I can check messages now! Whee!
Hey, AT pointed me to this site for some cheap Dell hardware. I've got my eye on those 21" monitors..
Good deals at Red Flag Deals.
I came across a couple of vanity plates on the way to ultimate today. One was 4UKIDS, but I liked XCYTNG better. I didn't play ultimate much. Most people left early, but I did get to throw the disc around a bit.
So I was looking at those 21" monitors on the Dell site, and during one refresh, I noticed that there were seventy-two in stock. Seventy-two! Excited, I started playing around with the shopping cart, throwing two (one for me and one for AT) into the cart and trying to figure out what I needed to order it. Unfortunately, I didn't really want to log in, and AT wanted to wait think about making the purchase so we left it at that. Twenty minutes later, I was showing off the deals to GoofyBoy and my eyeballs popped out when I saw that all of the stocked 21" monitors were gone!! In twenty minutes! I was so exasparated that I.. well, I didn't do much.
Anyway, I was dejected and went back through the site when I noticed that my cart still had two monitors in it. *blink* Naw. I decided to change the quantity to one and was surprised to see the number of stocked monitors rise to one..
So, to make a long story short, I have now ordered a 21" monitor for myself and I am now 400 bucks poorer, but man is that a deal! Now all I have to do is figure out where to put it..