Argh! I did something dumb last night. After we had that first power failure, I reset the router so that I could reobtain my IP. Unfortunately, because I pressed the reset button for so long, the memory got flashed. Now this killed the password, which was no problem, but I had forgotten to reset the port forwarding!
So even though my computer was up all day, any connections to it were clobbered by the router. *shakes fist*
Piss me off. This means that any e-mail I got in the past twelve hours have been bounced. Oh well, serves me right for pushing on a button for too long.
Oh yeah, I had to reset my clock after the second power failure, but I had already gone to sleep, so I was pretty groggy when I reset the clock. Well, I got the number right, but unfortunately, when I was woken up this morning, I found out that I had set the clock to PM instead of AM! Stab me eyes!
I'm planning on changing the format back to the original. I'm getting fed up with this newer layout.
I also finished reading "About a Boy". It was a good read, and I was surprised how close the movie was to the book. Well, at least for the first half.
Erk, my Perl's gotten rusty in the past year. I guess that's what happens when you're busy doing other stuff.