I got a link from the ShackNews about what's going on in the UK.
I forgot to mention that girl just got a new case. It's not as tiny as I thought it was, but it's still small no less. It's a tad bit shallower than our 486, but much lighter. It should be easy to lug around if there ever was a need to.. (LAN) par-teh!
Ugh, I'm feeling tired for some reason. Staring at an LCD all day and a CRT all night might have something to do with it.
I got this link from HBK. It the cost was per team, I'd be up for it. If the cost was per person, I think I'll pass.
When I got home today (was it today?) I found a spindle on the staircase. I decided to go through it to find anything interesting. I checked out the Initial D: Battle Stage, then Onegai Sensei (which I stopped after a couple of episodes) and then Hellsing. Hellsing is like a cross between Vampire Hunter D and Trigun. Or better yet, Blood and Trigun. In any case, it's dark, violent, and had a huge red ink budget. It was.. okay.
Anyhoo, I had ice hockey today. The CUPE workers were forced back to work today, but the arenas don't open until next week so our regularly scheduled game on Saturday was still canceled. (It was okay in my books. There was no way I was going to play that much hockey this weekend.)
Anyhoo, I was really tired today, and I was tired when I was watching Hellsing. So my lack of energy didn't help me much on the ice, which resulted in my collision with a number of people. I think I ended up running into four people during the game, which is a high for me. We ended up getting an extra twenty minutes of playing time (over the hour-and-a-half that was scheduled) because the owners had tried to kick us off after an hour even though we scheduled for the extra half-hour. To make this short story shorter, I was dead tired afterward. So I went home and went straight to bed. (Hence no update.)