Hmm, the old site which had a description of Situ was gone, so I found another page which had a brief description of the origin of the name. girl passed along another description she found:
Before the Chin dynasty (that is, before the events depicted in the movie "Hero"), it was the name of one of the top three officials in a feudal court (司徒, 司馬, 司空). The 司徒 could have been called a Minister of Human Resources as its official duties were the management of lower officials and military personnel. The two kanji literally meant "to administer" and "followers/labour", respectively. After the Chin dynasty, the three positions were amalgamated into one (a prime minister, if you will). Descendants of such high-ranking officials in a past era must have taken the names of the offices as their family names. Today, 司徒 and 司馬 are still very common last names (well, compared to other multi-character ones).
But I couldn't find the original reference. (To get the encoding, I copied the characters into Word, saved as an HTML file, and then extracted the characters from the text.)
I went to the patrol meeting tonight after a long day. It was actually better than I had expected. The usual crew went out for wings and drinks after the meeting and we had our own little discussion about the night's events, and a number of them had some great stories of the antics they pulled at the NAC. How could all these adults get away with acting so childish? Oh well.