I've been reading some of the reviews on the ShackNews, and the general concensus is that Halo rocks. The fact that you can play it co-operative as well means that it may be the only other FPS game that as a good co-op component since System Shock 2. Of course, the price tag on the X-Box is a little steep..
Oh yeah, Dead or Alive 3 is pretty darned good too. I think I'm going to rent both and try before I buy..
Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 22:32:26 (UTC)
You'd really pay 299 (or whatever it is in Canadian) + game costs just to play Halo?
Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 22:50:23 (UTC)
Well, it's tempting. But unlikely. That's why I'm thinking of renting when the opportunity arises. (With any luck, my cousins will be picking up a box so I'll just buy the game for them for Christmas and visit often.)