Argh! I woke up early this morning but quickly fell back to sleep, and in my fitful dream I had some sort of revelation. Well, not really a revelation, but more of an announcement. I had to tell somebody something. It was so profound (to me) that I woke up after that thought, with my heart pounding and short of breath. I knew I had to say it. I was lying there weighing the profoundness of the thought when I fell back to sleep. When I woke up again, the thought was gone! Argh! I should've wrote it down! *kicks wall* *stubs toe* *hops around on one foot*
Well, not much I can do about it now (except for remember it I guess). I was very tempted to bike to work today. In fact, I was just about ready to go when I checked the forecast for this afternoon. Rain. Goody. *looks out to see the sunshine* *makes face*
<- takes the car.
If this is the way the (longest) day is starting, I'm worried at how it'll end..