I feel as if someone took a rubber chicken and thwacked me on the head a number of times. I definitely am not good with keeping kids in check.
Well, I spent part of the day working on a couple of little things. I had left my cell phone off last night so I didn't get any of the support calls I was supposed to address..
Whoops. I left the phone on today at least and unfortunately got a call while I was teaching the class. Apparently I'm not supposed to be using cell phones down there. Also, my class was fairly rowdy. I'm definitely not good with keeping order. Bah!
I was supposed to patrol today, but with work suddenly thrust on me, I had to stay home to do a bit of cleanup. Hopefully the hill's doing okay.
Well, I've got hockey tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to get some exercise in, although I feel awfully tired. I've been really tired of late for one reason or another. I went to bed early last night, but I still feel sleep deprived.
Hmm, I might go downtown tomorrow to watch the ninjastars play, but I haven't decided yet..