I've gotten rid of most of the hard links in the archives. Hopefully I didn't break anything. I noticed a number of misspelled links that I had set up earlier when I was manually typing them out. Boy, I am a pretty bad typer/speller.
Okay, so spring technically started yesterday, but it sure feels like spring today! With spring comes spring cleaning, so I have to make some time to clean the house before the parental units return tomorrow and clean up my computer and e-mail. Then I can look at getting my car fixed, getting those presents, and getting that condo..
I signed up for that verified by Visa thing.
I don't feel all that different.
I ended up going out to dinner with Dangerman and Laz. Fortunately for me, I didn't hang around to play Halo 2 for long. I had a lot of stuff to clean up at home, but it doesn't seem like I'll be able to finish cleaning up now.
I'm way too tired to be effective anyway.