I just finished Fallout. Not a bad game, if I say so for myself. Once I got the turbo plasma rifle and the hardened power armour, things got a lot easier..
It's Good Friday, so most of us around here have the day off. I've been asked to go skiing, but I'm not really in the mood. I may go anyway just because.
The plan was to go skiing with TT, but I wasn't really in the mood, and the hill closed at 4:30 today, so by the time I got out of bed (around noon) and got ready, I was looking at maybe an hour or two of skiing before coming home. Not worth it.
I ended up playing Fallout 2 for the rest of the afternoon. I was goaded into going to karaoke with Dangerman tonight as well. There were a few people there I recognized, but most of them were Dangerman's friends. Laz and Pokey were there, but Pokey left early.
A couple of Dangerman's friends were really into it though. It was entertaining to watch them sing, since, well, the could mostly carry a tune, and the girl really got into that whole body motions thing. (Not that I was complaining mind you!)
The rest of us did our token one or two songs.