Ah ha, I had forgotten that FlyingS is in the process of moving. I can do nothing but wait..
AB is going to try setting up a blog during her time down in Africa.
Derelict mentioned something about transparent backgrounds, so I found an article on Slashdot which has a couple of links to a couple of sites which have plenty of examples. (Not as earth shattering as transparent aluminum, but hey..)
Well, I went to another place to get an estimate on the repair cost of my dent and it came up to around seventeen hundred. Seventeen hundred! Good lord! That's just for repair, and not replacement. Well, I think I'll try the repair way first and see how that goes. Then we'll see how this pans out?
Thursday, April 07, 2005 at 20:27:37 (UTC)
Yup, more or less.
You're welcome to come to my house warming next Saturday (that's the one after this one), if you feel like making the drive. It's not going to be a big thing but, you know... if you're looking for something to do...
Thursday, April 07, 2005 at 20:29:05 (UTC)
Oh wait, that was supposed to be on the one about me being back up. Oh well.
When the server's down, there's always the livejournal...
Monday, April 11, 2005 at 02:23:33 (UTC)
Would love to, but I've got a patrol banquet to attend that night.