Well, here we are. I'm at work and the meeting's over. It went well. I don't think I'll need to do any travelling any time soon.
What is the most tactful way to talk about someones BO? Especially if it's not a single occurrence thing (they just came from the gym).
GOAT sent out a message about a condo for sale. It's not in the area I'm looking at, but for the right price..
I was checking out the Bank of Canada website and found this year's Monetary Policy Report interesting. Wow. Geeky.
Okay, I got this e-bay link from HKL.
I ended up staying at work to my usual time. This meant that I was going to be late for badminton since I went out to buy those gifts. Badminton was okay, although I probably should have shown up an hour earlier.
Hmm, since I've been so busy with ski patrol stuff, I haven't been able to do anything else, like ultimate. I got a call from Pokey who tried to fill me in what I missed out, but I was way too busy at work to stay on the phone, so I'll check the news group when I have the time.
Hopefully I'll get caught up this weekend. I plan to get the car fixed next weekend, get new wiper blades, get it detailed as well, and get the oil changed.
This weekend, I should concentrate on finishing up all the patrol paperwork,