I had a dream a few nights ago where I was in some apartment building. I was looking outside and was marvelling at the storm clouds that were forming over the cityscape. I turned to my right to see where the clouds were coming from and noticed that these black clouds had a very regular hexagonal pattern, made up of smaller hexagonal clouds. Then it dawned on me: These were not clouds.
I screamed to the guy next to me that we were going to be under attack, just as I saw the wall of falling bombs heading towards us. I watched in horror as the first buildings in the line of attack quickly collapsed under the intense barrage of the air strike and watched helplessly as the bombs started hitting our building. I tried to find cover.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005 at 04:05:31 (UTC)
floating buttons don't cut it for me.
hey i had a bombing dream once but it was because dangerman was snoring. :P
Wednesday, March 09, 2005 at 05:42:04 (UTC)
I wanted to clean up the links on the entry side a bit. I wanted to get rid of a lot of clutter. Ideally I would have a link for each entry rather than for each day, but.. I'll do with what I have for now until I move everything to some sort of database.