I've gone to pick up my gloves, deposited a cheque, got my hair cut, sprayed my coat (and gloves), but didn't get the car washed.
While I was at the head of line for the ATM (to deposit my cheque), I noticed the lady on the left reach up to use on of the envelopes. I didn't pay much attention until I looked back and saw that there were no envelopes left on her side of the ATM! I looked on the other side and noticed that one of the trays still had envelopes in it, so I figured that if she was to finish first, I'd steal an envelope from that side. Just as that thought had finished, I saw the guy using that ATM reach up and grab an envelope from the tray. It was the last one!
Argh! Without any envelopes, I wouldn't be able to deposit my cheque, so I decided to leave the line and find another machine to use. (Some people must've looked at me funny, but I didn't pay any attention.)
I had volunteered to show up at the hill this morning. Nope, I wasn't voluntold, I actually volunteered. Why? I have no idea why.
Anyway, I got to the hill and saw a bunch of people I hadn't seen in a while. The place was a zoo! Although there weren't that many patrons per se, there was the division first aid competition and a freestyle competition taking place at the same time! We had tons of patrollers visiting from all over Ontario, and I was sequestered to show a couple from.. oops, now I forgot where they were from. Anyway, I showed them around the hill. As we went into line, we were called over to an injured kid. Great.
Anyway, we didn't have as many accidents as I thought we would that day. I had a fairly good time, although I didn't get any free food.
I really can't remember much that happened today, except that it was warm and sunny. That and the fact that I was really tired..
Hmm, I'm wondering if old browsers will choke if they try to connect to an SSL connection? Hmm.. a quick Google search reveals that forcing SSL may not be a good thing. Ah well.. time to figure out the best way to do this..
Hmm, I've been looking at applying SSL to specific directories, but the problem is that if I'm using user authentication, the user authentication occurs before the redirect, which means I log in twice! (The first time with a normal connection so the password is passed openly.)
Not quite what I wanted, but it'll do the trick.
As soon as I close a security hole, some things stop working. I noriced that Lynx doesn't deal well with SSL, so I had to look for a Lynx patch, or use Lynx-SSL. (Needs SSLeay.)
There's also a proxy server setting I can change, but I don't have a proxy server to use.