Well, the weather's turned warm and wet today. Skiing will probably not be very enjoyable. Hopefully nobody will show up at the hill then, so it'll just be a come in and go out sort of night.
Hey, I went shopping with girl and I've gotten myself a new leather jacket and some leather driving gloves. Coolio!
I would've liked to have gotten lamb leather, but.. you can't have everything right?
Hey, I was asked to be a reference for a resume. Scary thought no?
Oh yeah, the hill's closed at 4:30 today. I don't have to patrol! Whoot!
Doh! They had just changed the closing time of the hill from 4:30 to 9:30. *sigh* I guess I'll be putting in some more hours..
I forgot to mention something. When I went out to meet up with girl for lunch, I ended up waiting in the wrong area. I had looked around and couldn't find her or the store, so I ended up driving around. Unfortunately, when I was pulling out of the parking lot, I ended up going over the curb. The front tire went over and then I landed the right side of the car on the curb. There was a gut wrenching screech of concrete on metal accompanied by a head banging jolt, before the back tire went over.
I took a look at the damage and couldn't see anything from the side. I'm pretty sure something underneath may be a little scratched. I'm glad my car isn't lowered.. (nor have a body kit.)
I'm ready to take a nap, but I've got to go and patrol.