Hmm, it seems as if there's some experimental evidence that the second law of thermodynamics can be violated. I found the link at ArsTechnica.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015 @ 01:57:22 (UTC)
Monday, March 30, 2015 @ 21:57:22 EDT
"I have seen the future and it doesn't work."
Robert Fulford (From The Quotations Page.)
Friday, July 19, 2002 at 16:02:25 (UTC)
Interesting article on the 2nd law. On the face of it, it seems obvious that at such small scales (or smaller), statistical laws will become meaningless and inapplicable. It's more of a vindication that Time's Arrow only shows up in macroscopic systems. At the "mesoscale" this expt was done in, it looks like time's arrow is more of a random weathervane!
Here is a nice article about Maxwell's demon and Feynman's version of a 'perpetual motion machine' and apparent violations of the laws of thermo!
Growli <e-mail>
Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 23:46:03 (UTC)
Yeah, it also makes you wonder, as you go to smaller and smaller scale, whether time (or at least the perception of time) is actually constant at the non-macroscale.
BTW, the article you linked is the same as the one in the entry.
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 02:42:44 (UTC)
Whups... i meant go here.
Growli <e-mail>
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 04:26:03 (UTC)
Ah ha! That link makes much more sense.